An introduction to the Manx language, with tips on pronunciation, grammar and tense. Learn to greet people, count to ten and much more.
The Isle of Man offers education support for all ages from young children to those studying to progress in their careers
Launch of Manx History app for Secondary Schools.
Manx is taught in all local schools, allowing childrend to enjoy the benefits of a bi-lingual education and great insight to Manx culture and music.
Launch of Christmas Stamps at St John's.
The annual Ned Maddrell Lecture took place on Thursday 19th June, at Tynwald Mills in St John's.
Further resources on the Manx language.
A Manx Gaelic version of an Alan Guthrie novella "Bye By Baby" has been published by Culture Vannin.
Norwegian-Manx musical collaboration breaks new ground.
Bilingual edition of the Tomato Cain stories by Nigel Kneale launches today.